Friday, November 8, 2013

A blank page... surely I can find the time to fill it.  From all my personal discussions, email correspondences, and posts on Facebook I have come to accept that I have my own strong voice, and a passion to educate, inform, and expose others to the realities of our complex enviro-socio-political context.  It is unreasonable that such epiphanies and profoundly interesting discoveries should slowly fade and disappear from my silly timeline, so I realized I owe it to myself and my friends to maintain a semi-permanent record of my musings and thought-projects.  As with everything I have ever shared with you, my intent is not to be "right" or to project my singular view of the world on anyone. I only long to receive and transmit useful information about our world and society, and to engage in an enriching, respectful dialogue based on evidence (factual information), critical thoughts, and with an eye towards compassion, community, and sustainability.  Welcome to my electronic mindworld!